Friday, February 5, 2010


So I just read PC Cast's blog for the first time in forever..and they are making a movie..well maybe...she isn't in control of it and they don't know exactly. I hope they do and she says she trusts who is making the movie to not make it out there like Eragon was and well I trust her. So now we wait and see. :) The weekend is I get to stay up late and do some random something and be bored. :) but hey its the weekend. I may just quit my Twitter account. It's pretty boring..but then again I may not. I finally found the REAL Taylor Swift on there...after tons of searching. So I don't want to think of that as a waste of time just yet. Now that the weekend is here I'm waiting for the States. 3 weeks. Just 3 weeks. Then after those 3 weeks I'll go to the states and then will wait for Garth Nix's book and after his book is released I'll wait for BURNED! Woohoo! I can't wait...but I'll have to. Umm yeah...just thought I'd tell you guys that. :) like you wanna know. But that's me up there. My obbsession with books. :) I don't get why people hate to read. It's totally amazing to me. Oh well...Weirdos...