Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Was Bored

So I'm probably gonna do like 10 of these a day until I get tired of it and move on to something else. I'm really bored right now so I thought I'd write another blog entry for today. Right now I'm watching Black Hawk Down and Facebooking. No one is on facebook to talk to and commercials are on at the moment. Although without the commercials I wouldn't a known they were having a Jennifer Aniston day on TNT soon. Joy! No jk I like her. She is like 40 and still beautiful. Um well I'm gonna tell you about my day then. Well I woke up..shocking I know..then I ate breakfast. I then got on facebook and did whatever I needed to do. THEN I started school. I'm homeschooled by the way. I did all my school except math. I hate math so I saved it. I pray for me the day I'm gonna have to double up. I took a biology test today! Whoopty-tah! I actually got a good grade an A+. Which made me happy. Then I watched a couple Bewitched episodes..ate some popcorn..practiced guitar...and then I sat on the couch..made my blog..:)...and twitter and facebooked. Oh what an amazing day...NOT. It was really boring..but ya know. It's better than not having a day..I guess. I just wish it was the weekend already! GRR..hurry up! The weeks go by fast but the days and hours go by soo soo slow! Well commercials are off and the movie is back on. But still no one to talk to! Bummer. But I guess I'll stop writing anyways. :) but don't worry..I'll be back very very soon!