Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nothing Real Big

Hey all, I haven't wrote in a I thought I would. I've been kinda sorta busy lately. My computer went bonkers the other day and got fixed thanks to Uncle Jeff and now it can't remember things and so I hope I get that fixed soon...also my cousin got married. Rachel got married March 20th. It was a gorgeous wedding and she was beautiful. I was a hostess..which was fun because I got to wear this pretty little rose. :) Lol You know how I love roses. I will totally add pictures later.
It's officially Spring now. Yay! Trees are blooming beautifully and on the sunny days it's just about perfect. Then the weather can't decide on what to do so it goes all rainy and yucky. Thanks weather.
I'm sick at the moment. I can't decide if it's just sinus stuff or if I'm sick sick. I'm leaning towards sinus.
I'm trying to get in all the reading I can while I'm in. I'm borrowing books from people and so I have to get them back to them before I leave. My parents bought me Lord Sunday by Garth Nix. YES!! I've been reading as much as I can when I can. It's amazing so far..just so you know.
Um and yeah. That's about all that's going on with me. Nothing real big. :)